Matt Backes' Blog

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What I learned about Myself

My preferences were ISTJ. To explain more, I prefer introversion, sensing perception, thinking judgement, and judging. At first glance, I wouldn't have believed you that I was an introvert or sensing, but after reading over their respective properties, I drew many parallels between them and what I realized myself to go, and hope to be.
I hadn't really thought about my personally as an introvert, but it was probably because it was shadowed by some extrovert qualities I have. I, like all people, like to be goofy and mess around, and have fun, so I assumed I was an extrovert, but after reviewing the qualities, I realized that on a personal level, I'm definitely an introvert. I never act on a whim, I always need my time to think things over. I always need some 'me' time to unwind and just relax. These are some of the introvert qualities that I exhibit. When I compare some of these to my goals, I realize they can be similar. Some of my goals were to travel to other places, and part of it was to just be able to soak it all in, to enjoy the moment and just relax. I think that idea has some parallels with the introversion preference.
The other three preferences I would have figured would be me. For sensing, I definitely like factual details and making sure the little things get done. I make sure I know what happens and then digest it. For thinking judgement, I definitely use logical analysis when I make most decisions. Will there be any repercussions? Am I going to benefit from this? Will I enjoy it? And I also admit that I am skeptical a lot. I don't always believe things unless I see them, it's just the way I am, it's hard to trust everything that people tell me, for bettor or worse. Lastly, judging was very easy to spot. I organize and schedule like it's my job. If my schedule gets thrown off, I don't go crazy, but I do get a little perturbed that things aren't like I mapped them out to be. This relates to my goals because I like to think I have a pretty good idea where I'm headed. I know that nothing is for sure and life will throw me curveballs, but I believe that with enough preparation in advanced, unfortunate situations can be avoided and your life can go smoothly, just as you want it to.


  1. I think other people also pictured themselves as been in a different learning type. But after looking at the information the test provides us back with I think we can agree for the most part on our learning types.

  2. Matt, I received very similar results as you with the exception of how I perceive things. Although at first I didn't quite understand how I merited these results as well, It made a lot more sense to me once I reflected more on my preferences. It's cool knowing there's others out there just like you in their preferences for most things.

  3. It's good that you are open to the fact that how you have originally perceived yourself can be different than what the assessment shows. You can definitely have both introverted and extroverted moments. In fact most people do. Great reflection!
